When you open up a bank account nowadays, the bankers will push you to also get an ATM debit card so as to make transactions at any time of the day. Most banks in Uganda currently issue VISA cards instead of Ma...
I was talking to a friend yesterday who is so obsessed with music and was concerned that if his Laptop crashed someday, he would really miss his collection of music. However, what I didn’t know he was way...
In recent years, the startup ecosystem emerged as a new and important discipline due to the rapid advancement in technology. It can be viewed as an amalgamation of classical disciplines like lending assets and ...
SMS messaging has been around since the times of 2G networks and with the advent of Over the Top services (OTT) that utilize swift communication over the internet we got bored with SMS. But is RCS the future? S...
If you hang around software engineers long enough you will notice a pattern that there are few mobile developers compared to web devs and this is a situation that is way too broad and hard to digest in this art...
This was originally posted on TechJaja on April 17th, 2019. Jumia recently got listed in the New York stock exchange market as the pioneer tech product from Africa to do so and discussions sprung up on vario...
In collaboration with the World Bank Group, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), will host the DAT Innovation Challenge on November 19th 2019 in Kampala, Uganda. The Innovation...